Donna Zarbin-Byrne’s Like Water from a Rock Reimagines Landscapes Against Grief, November 14, 2023, by Emma Snow Ahmed, Southwest Contemporary.

Donna Zarbin-Byrne considers herself a plein air artist, though her methods go beyond that of Monet or Renoir. Instead, she can be seen drawing with wire, sculpting contour forms of the mountains that surround her, making molds of the rocky terrain to haul back to her studio. For her solo exhibition Like Water from a Rock, Zarbin-Byrne chose two distinct landscapes to emulate: the West Texas desert and the West Maui Mountains… Continue reading!

Donna Zarbin-Byrne’s Like Water from a Rock at Arts Fort Worth, November 10, 2023, Art Spiel.

In her installation-based exhibition, Like Water from a Rock, at Arts Fort Worth, Fort Worth, TX, Donna Zarbin-Byrne responds to the landscapes of the Chihuahuan desert of West Texas and the West Maui mountains, connecting material sites with an internal process…  Continue reading!

Texas Vignette Announces 2023 Vignette Art Fair Artists, by Jessica Fuentes September 26, 2023, my work was featured.

Texas Vignette, a nonprofit arts organization based in Dallas, has announced the 47 women artists from 23 Texas cities who will be featured in its annual art fair taking place in Dallas this fall… Continue reading!

Radiate & Repeat, I Like Your Work Spring Exhibition Catalogue, curated by Christina Massey. 2023

Check out the Spring 23 Catalog, Radiate & Repeat,  from I Like Your Work. The art catalog is curated by Christina Massey, and features top emerging artists from around the world… Click here to view this catalog!

Fire Station No. 1 goes with the flow of Aqua Vita, April 19, 2022, by Gay Riseborough, Evanston Roundtable.

Donna Zarbin-Byrne is the creator of the sculptural installation at Evanston’s Fire Station No. 1 at 1332 Emerson St. The artwork was funded by Evanston’s Percent for Art program when the station was built in 1996. It is titled Aqua Vita, meaning “water of life.”… Continue reading!

Process and Material, A Conversation with Yoonshin Park, 2021

Thank you for joining me donna I'm so happy to be here so your piece of banana bloom is now on display in the gallery space as one of the slide show images seeing your work on screen would be nothing like seeing the extra work in the gallery in person but it's nice to have this face-to-face conversation with you about your artwork”… Click here to watch the interview!

Daily Inspiration: Meet Donna Zarbin-Byrne by Dallas Voyage. October 21, 2021

Hi Donna, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today. It all began with a mother/daughter ceramics class and by about age 10, I had my first studio in a room in the basement of my Chicago home… Continue reading!

I Like Illinois: February Artist of the Month, 2020

Donna Zarbin-Byrne is our February artist of the month, representing both Evanston and Chicago. Since childhood Donna has wanted to be an artist. Today, her work can be found not only in Illinois but in Honolulu, Hawaii, too…  Continue reading!

Art Heals: Public Art Installation, “Tree of Life” by artist Donna Zarbin-Byrne, Sara Opat, The Daily Herald, Chicago, IL, 2019

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Mixing Public Art and Public Housing, Katie Walsh, The Rivard Report, San Antonio, TX. 2017

Donna Zarbin-Byrne and Diana Rodriguez were struggling in the 100-degree heat. After several hours working under the sun mixing cement for one of their sculptures at the Gardens at San Juan public housing complex, the two artists were hitting a wall… Continue reading!

San Antonio Live, Jonny Garcia. Jonny Garcia documents in process view of the development of the public sculpture at The Gardens at San Juan, San Antonio, Tx. 2016.

Cerizo, Kehaulani. "Pushing Artwork to the Edge." Maui Scene. April 10, 2014, sec. Visual Art: 16.

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Ligocki, Gordon. "Exhibit examines the exotic." The Gary Times, Gary, IN.

Translucent wings slowly unfurl to expose a light radiating at their juncture. Titled "Embryonic Gesture," this wall sculpture and a dozen other intriguing objects permeate the gallery space at Indiana University Northwest. Typical of Donna Zarbin-Byrne's exotic imagery in the show, it emphasizes the biomorphic. Also characteristic of the total is a folk shrine feeling that virtually makes each sculpture an icon. Continue Reading!

Sargent Wooster, Ann. "Donna Zarbin-Byrne, Terra Reverie; A Cultivated Space." High Performance Magazine, Winter, 1990, p.58.

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Wattenberg, Morris. "Ancestry & Contemporary." New City, Chicago, IL., p. 16. 1987

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Brenson, Michael. "Bringing Fresh Approaches to Ages-Old Jewish Themes." The New York Times, New York, NY, August 3, 1986 p. 27.

It is significant that the lifeblood of the exhibition is provided by artists in their 30's - Michael David, Michael Hafftka, Jon Imber, Tobi Kahn, Paul Marcus, Archie Rand, Ripps, Kenneth Shorr, Martin Silverman, Art Spiegelman, Bill Thompson, and Donna Zarbin-Byrne… Continue reading!

Jewish Themes/Contemporary American Artists II. The Jewish Museum, New York, NY. Traveled to the Spertus Museum of Judaica, Chicago, IL, 1986; The

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"Local Artist's Works on Exhibition at Jewish Museums" Jewish Journal of San Antonio, Local News. San Antonio, TX.

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“American Artists Explore Jewish Themes” Jewish News. Newark, NJ. July 31, 1986.

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International Harold Tribune, Weekend Edition. August 22-23, 1986.

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Klein, G. Randolph and Anita Valencia. "Art Exhibit Demonstrates Individualism" San Antonio Express..

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Funke, Phyllis Ellen. "Facets of Jewish Art" Hadassah Magazine. New York, NY. October 1986. p.44-47

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