Donna Zarbin-Byrne and Diana Rodriguez Gil created a series of dynamic installations that activate the space at the Gardens of San Juan. The site-specific installation promotes connectivity by creating focal points and gathering places for residents and community members to interact with. The history of the community’s many generations was integrated throughout the site design for The Gardens at San Juan. The series of installations begins in The Moon Garden which is a contemplative landscaped seating area that invites contemplation of place, origin, and cycles of time. Through the use of iconic imagery and symbols, the garden poetically references Mesoamerican history, flora and fauna, and the overlay of multicultural influences into the region. This area transitions into the Cantos y Juegos: the green space adjacent to the children’s playground. The space includes three mosaic pathways integrating children’s art, Spanish and English songs, and games that were passed down through the generations. This area is linked to the final installation in the Tree of Life courtyard with metal vines and landscaped roots culminating into a sculptural house and nest that is rendered as a drawing in the landscape. The installation alludes to the people taking root in this community at the Gardens at San Juan as well as the cyclical movement implied through the imagery of home, nest, roots, and vines.

The Moon Garden

Cantos y Juegos, Childern’s Playground, Songs & Games

The Tree of Life Courtyard


Etz Chaim (Tree of Life)