This sculpture was created for Moriah Congregation in Northbrook, IL. The sculpture is integrated into the radius of a curving architectural space. It references illuminated Hebrew manuscripts, which reflect the values of the community. The sculpture incorporates many of the symbols of the Tree of Life that date back to the earliest expressions in Jewish art. The palm is a symbol of righteousness and the Garden of Eden, peacocks are regarded as Birds of Paradise, and the deer is a symbol for tranquility. The pomegranate, the central motif, is represented in its full botanical states: bud, flower, and fruit. It is a symbol of organic unity, continuity, fertility, and is one of the seven indigenous fruits of Israel mentioned in the Bible. The pomegranate is said to contain 613 seeds equaling the total number of Mitzvot in the Torah.


Al Paso del Tiempo/A Cyclical Journey Towards Home


Tree of Life (St. Phillip Church)